Is Ray Allen Really The Best Shooter In History

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Jackpot Bet Online analyzes the figure of Ray Allen and five other great NBA shooters to reopen the debate about the most outstanding pitcher of all time. Nothing would be understood in modern basketball without the aid of triple. Prize for so many players and punishment of a few zones, the play of three points is the offensive pillar of multitude of equipment to the length and width of the planet. Whoever dominates the arts of the exterior shot becomes a personified treasure, very specific dexterity. Only a select few are trained to enter the select club of the best shooters there and Jackpot Bet Online there. The vast majority are in the NBA, which summons the throw of three since 1979 and today weeps the withdrawal of its best triplista exponent by telling us of the statistic: Ray Allen, 2,973 'bingos' through.